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President - Yuh-Mei Hutt

Golden Lighting President Yuh-Mei Hutt

Meet Our President – Yuh-Mei Hutt

Golden Lighting is a family business. Almost 20 years ago, Yuh-Mei Hutt, the daughter of founder, Ingshang Liao, took over as president of Golden Lighting. Since then, Yuh-Mei has expanded the company, making Golden Lighting a leader in the industry.

A compassionate businesswoman who is dedicated to the industry, her company, and her hometown of Tallahassee, Yuh-Mei puts her heart into the projects and people she holds near and dear. Her enthusiasm can be seen through her life, work, goals, and expectations.

Under her leadership, Golden Lighting has won Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce Business of the Year and the Jim Moran Institute’s Entrepreneurial Excellence awards.

As President of Golden Lighting, she focuses her positive energy on her business and its employees, finding ways to improve things for both. She has adapted the company’s practices to overcome obstacles, even those resulting from the recent pandemic.

The community of Tallahassee is not forgotten in Yuh-Mei's plans and efforts. She is significantly involved in the business community and pours time and energy into working with local leaders and organizations to create a better future.

She is active in promoting startups, angel investment, and Exponential Mindset in Tallahassee. She supports local charities and acts as a strong role model and catalyst for change in the Tallahassee area. Through her work as Chair of Domi Station, a business incubator that aids entrepreneurs and innovators, Yuh-Mei has invested in creating workspaces where bright creators can collaborate and grow.

In the interest of improving Tallahassee, Yuh-Mei invests in bringing powerful voices and ideas to Tallahassee in the hopes of inspiring the next generation. In addition, she has sponsored contests to identify and uplift future leaders. When asked about the motivation behind her service to the Tallahassee community, she simply stated, “I believe the future is positive and that we can have a meaningful impact on our community.”

As President, Yuh-Mei has worked hard to cultivate a business culture where employees feel a part of a true family. She has hand-picked and groomed a team of bright executives. Together, these leaders are tasked with moving the company forward. From the conceptualization of an initial design within the Creative Team, to the management of inventory through the Supply Chain, and the eventual sale and delivery of that product to you, the Golden Lighting Team reflects mastery within its respected divisions.