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  • Winter Is Here

    Winter Is Here

    Golden Lighting is proud to present our latest line of new designs. Designed to complement a variety of home styles, the fixtures in this Winter launch offer an array of unique...

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  • Cane Webbing, Bamboo, & Rattan Artisan...

    More home magazines and TV shows are utilizing woven tapestry, wicker furniture, and plant-derived lighting. This signals a trend in the home décor market towards the use of fiber textiles...

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    Cane Webbing, Bamboo, & Rattan Artisan Lights
  • 5 Simple Steps for Cleaning Your Light Fixtures

    5 Simple Steps for Cleaning Your...

    Light fixtures can be magnets for dust, spider webs, and airborne particles. Not only are dusty light fixtures gross, Dirty lights can lessen your room’s illumination by 20-30%. Dirt and dust...

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  • Wall Lights Take Center Stage

    Wall lighting is essential when layering lighting, as it allows for better illumination of the room. However, selecting lighting to go on wall surfaces can be difficult, and, with some brands, options...

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    Wall Lights Take Center Stage
  • Meet Our Sales Director

    Meet Our Sales Director

    Sales Director Ivan Parada is a valued leader of our eCommerce and Sales division. Ivan's management has helped grow Golden and our sales team. Through his guidance, Ivan's team has...

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